tirsdag, januar 29, 2002

Fra de mærkelige mænd i RTmark har jeg modtaget følgende:

Jan. 28, 2002
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Press Release and Annual Report


In response to The World Economic Forum Meeting at the Waldorf Astoria
Hotel in New York City (January 30 to February 3), RTMark investors
have sponsored several new projects to fight the corporate takeover of
public space and expression:

* The "reaming" of the WEF´s website with automatic parody software
* "Ready-to-revolt" smart clothing
* Tear-gas tennis
* A virtual sit-in of the WEF´s website
* Avoidance/destruction of surveillance cameras
* Street-writing bicycles


The World Economic Forum Gets Reamed

The Yes Men have released version 2.0 of Reamweaver, their automatic
website-parody software, and have set it loose on the World Economic
Forum website. "We think http://world-economic-forum.com is more
forthright about the WEF´s goals than their real site is," said Andy
Bichlbaum of the Yes Men.

The free, open-source software (http://reamweaver.com) was first
released when the World Trade Organization tried to shut down Gatt.org
in November. "The WTO tried to capitalize on the post-9/11 climate by
attacking any kind of dissent," said Cue P. Doll, one of the
Reamweaver coders. "By automating the parody process, this software
scales web dissent from a small group to a global network, ensuring
the WTO´s kind of tactics will never work."


The World Economic Forum Gets Sat Upon

The Electronic Disturbance Theater is releasing a virtual sit-in
(denial-of-service) tool specially tailored for the World Economic
Forum website. Users are invited to join the cyber-protest at


New Ways to Avoid or Destroy Video Surveillance

Two new projects help citizens regain some of their privacy by helping
them to avoid surveillance or destroy it. The Institute for Applied
Autonomy´s iSee (http://www.appliedautonomy.com/isee/) is an
interactive map that shows walkers the path of least surveillance
between any two points in Manhattan. And for those who want to take
the direct route, an anonymous group explains how to disable
inappropriate cameras (http://rtmark.com/cctv/).


Bikes Paint Messages As You Ride (Project BIKE)

An anonymous investment of $500 has allowed the distribution of a
tool that turns any bicycle into a street-writing device. Bradley
Pitts (mailto:bmpitts9@hotmail.com), a spokesperson for the group
that created the tool, calls it "an efficient way to get a message
out on the street... over and over and over again."


Prêt-à-Révolter Design Civil Disobedience Equipment (Project PRET)

Concerned by the new police and government tendency to treat any
social movement as criminal, an investor has paid $1700 to help
develop and deploy functional fashions for protest. The colorful
costumes are fitted with padding at shoulder and rib regions to ward
off baton blows, and miniature video cameras and transmitters to
broadcast police brutality live to remote recorders.


Athletes recruited for "Tear-Gas Tennis" (Project LACR)

An investor is offering $200 to the first lacrosse, tennis, or
jai-alai team that methodically catches and returns tear gas canisters
before they land among protesters. "Protests often turn violent
because of police actions, like shooting people with tear gas
canisters," said RTMark spokesperson Frank Guerrero. "Project LACR
opposes the violence with a bit of sporting fun, and it could help
keep a protester or two from getting seriously injured."



RTMark posted reasonable cultural dividends for its investors in 2001,
but the gains were bittersweet as civil liberties went up in smoke and
authoritarian regimes instituted repressive policies on the ruins of
the World Trade Center.

The main dividends of 2001:

Impostors passed as the World Trade Organization at a "Textiles of the
Future" conference (http://theyesmen.org/finland.html) and on European
Marketwrap, a prime-time program on CNBC
(http://theyesmen.org/tv.html). An anonymous investment covered some
travel expenses.

A conference session on techniques to counter anti-corporate activism,
normally available for $225 to corporate clients, was made available
to activists for free at http://rtmark.com/prsa, thanks to an
anonymous donor.

One thousand vanity mirrors were distributed at the G8 protests in
Genoa, and were used to reflect the sun into the eyes of attacking
policemen (http://rtmark.com/archimedes.html).

A software development kit and book from http://hactivist.com,
entitled "Child as Audience", teaches anyone to reverse-engineer the
Nintendo Gameboy; it was co-sponsored by RTMark.

The same label that enraged Geffen Records with "Deconstructing Beck"
issued its fourth RTMark-sponsored release, "A Mutated Christmas"

A catapult used to hurl stuffed animals over the fortress walls at the
Quebec FTAA meeting fulfilled Project MDVL and garnered a cash reward
for the creators.

Thousands of brochures advertising "Deportation Class" seating were
secretly placed in airplane seat pockets to illustrate how commercial
airlines traffic in unwilling human cargo (http://rtmark.com/luft).

The :CueCat, a freely available barcode scanner meant to help
advertise to people in their homes, was hacked into a tool for
learning about corporate misdeeds (http://rtmark.com/cuejack).

The "Heads and Tails Video Reclamation Program" which encourages
videotape renters to record public service messages over previews, has
resulted in hundreds of altered tapes across the US and Canada
(http://rtmark.com/fundlabor.html#DUBM and

And finally, Dr. Andreas Bichlbauer of the World Trade Organization
has chosen the winner of this year´s Corporate Poetry Contest: The
Organization of American States´ "Chant to the OAS," in the
"Children´s Corner" section of their website

RTMark´s primary goal is to publicize corporate subversion of the
democratic process. To this end it acts as a clearinghouse for
anti-corporate projects. A list of just-added projects is maintained
at http://rtmark.com/new.html.

søndag, januar 20, 2002

Den 21. januar er det 52 år siden at den britiske forfatter George Orwell døde. Hvis nogen skulle være i tvivl, var det ham med romanen "1984" og begrebet "Big Brother is watching you". På denne dato uddeler den danske afdeling af The Big Brother Awards deres pris til en række personer, institutioner og virksomheder, der i særlig grad har krænket privatlivets fred gennem overvågning eller andre tiltag. Blandt de nominerede er børnehaven Dronning Olga på Frederiksberg. Da den blev etableret i 1998 skrev jeg en artikel om den til programmet for Schillers "Don Carlos" på Det Kgl. Teater samt om de generelle konsekvenser af overvågning. Et emne som kun er blevet meget mere aktuelt efter den 11. september 2001. Læs den på fohns.dk

Du også vælge at høre en radioversion af artiklen hos Harddisken DR P1.

Du kan også læse en lidt anderledes version af samme artikel bragt som kronik i dagbladet Information den 11. december 1998. Kys mor på Kamera Tre

lørdag, januar 19, 2002

Og hvis du vil høre hvad Eric Paulos selv siger (se forrige posting); så check mit interview med ham i Harddisken DR P1. Det handler om hans virusautomat og er lavet på Ars Electronica i september 1999.
I disse tider er informationskrig og overvågning hotte emner. Jeg har lige modtaget følgende fra nogle amerikanske kunstnere, som har udforsket temaet i en årrække. Eric Paulos mødte jeg første gang til Ars Electronica i Linz, Østrig for efterhånden seks år siden. Check hans virusmaskine - den er skræmmende, især ovenpå miltbrand hysteriet.

The Experimental Interaction Unit http://www.eiu.org

The Experimental Interaction Unit will be active in several upcoming events listed below:

The Amy Show
19 Jan 2002
San Francisco


This is a benefit for Amy Miller, a long time SRL member who fell from the roof of a building after the 15 Dec 2001 SRL show and broke her hip in three places. All proceeds from this event go to Amy. EIU is participating and contributing to the raffle that will be held.

Tentacle Sessions with David Pescovitz and Brad Wieners
An evening of POST FUTURISM In Review
20 Jan 2002

If there's one thing David Pescovitz and Brad Wieners heard over and over when they came out with their 1996 timeline of the future, Reality Check (Wired Books), it's that their predictions for pop culture tech--robots! jet packs! orgasmatrons!--were far too bullish. Five years later, however, it looks this pair of accidental futurists wasn't bold enough: Everything they predicted--based on expert sources they're happy to blame--is happening sooner--much sooner--than expected! On Jan 20, join them as they tour the recent future and examine why certain inventions took off, while others were built (but nobody came). You will see video and live demonstrations of dissident robots, check out the first commercial smart shirt, ogle a virtual sex slave....and much more! Brad and David will be joined by guests Erik Davis, (Techgnosis) expert on smart drugs and dial-a-mood; Eric Paulos, experimental robotocist, space browsing blimp- pilot; and others.

Threat of Irrelevance
24 Feb 2002
Rhizome LA

As developers of the first privately owned electromagnetic weapon and anonymous biological pathogen dispersion system, the Experimental Interaction Unit reaffirms its dedication to researching the most vital elements of future human interaction systems. While the atrocities of 9.11 dictate a new agenda for EIU, our actions will not be inured by these events. Our expertise, knowledge, and rapid adaptation skills have been deployed in an effort to design new systems and tools to combat and intimately connect with the future. Challenging times bring new urgency to these parlous projects which will be discussed.

Rhizome LA is a new media art event series produced in Los Angeles by Rhizome and Beverly Tang.

To be added to this mailing list please visit

Eric Paulos
EIU Founder/Director

tirsdag, januar 15, 2002

[1/15/2002 11:04:41 PM | Henrik Fohns]
Sikke en fest! Jeg har netop modtaget to bøger om og af den franske filosof og teknologikritiker Paul Virilio. Et must-read for alle med interesse for den moderne teknologi og konsekvenserne af den. Virilio er i ringe omfang oversat til dansk, så det er en enestående chance for at stifte bekendtskab med hans klassiker "Hastighed og Politik" fra 1977, hvor Virilio analyserer det tætte forhold, der er mellem de politiske beslutningsformer og hastighederne i de redskaber og teknologier, som vi opbygger vores samfund med. Især en for høj hastighed i de politiske beslutningsprocesser,
kan ifølge Virilio få uheldssvangre konsekvenser. Den anden bog er en essaysamling af den danske Virilo-ekspert Niels Brügger Essays om dromologi , og den ser ud til at være en glimrende introduktion til Virilios univers. Jeg vender tilbage til dem, når jeg har fået læst dem. Check også "Cyberworld - det værstes politik", der er en fremragende interviewbog med Virilio, som favner hele hans livslange værk. Meget anbefalelsværdig! Det hele er udgivet på forlaget Introite. Du kan høre mere om Virilio i en reportagesamtale, jeg havde med forlagsredaktøren Hans Bandman i november 1998 hos Harddisken DR P1. Virilio siger, at man kun kan elske teknikken, hvis man også kan kritisere den. Han kan betragtes som teknikkens kunstkritiker, der analyserer den ekstreme stigning i hastigheden i den digitale transmission, hvor refleks erstatter refleksion. Han advarer om de mulige konsekvenser: tab af personlig identitet, ophør af sociale fællesskaber og undergravning af demokratiet. Læs ham før Ole Grünbaum :-)

[1/5/2002 11:05:13 PM | Henrik Fohns]

FunzaFunza er mit muterede alter ego. En lille orm, der kryber op under tåneglen på mennesker for at snylte på sin vært. Det vil sige; suge blod - forårsage betændelse etc.

FunzaFunza var mit kælenavn på swahili under et ophold i Tanzania i august 1993, fordi de ikke kunne udtale Føhns. Sådan kan det gå, hvis man ikke passer på....
Ude til højre kan du se links til min hjemmeside fohns.dk. Til Børsens Nyhedsmagasin, hvor jeg tjener til dagen og vejen. Du kan kun læse mine artikler, hvis du har et abonnement, men med tiden vil mit arkiv på fohns.dk vokse til mere end du ønsker at overkomme. Sidste link er til Harddisken, som var mit virtuelle mediebarn i otte år fra 1993 til 2000. Søg på mit navn i arkivet og find mange indsigtsfulde ting i tekst, lyd og billede.